Selasa, 08 Februari 2011


What an economy!  All over the world, consumers have
fallen behind on car, credit card, and home mortgage
payments.  Debt is at the highest levels in 15 years.

Working people everywhere are hurting.  Food and
energy prices are skyrocketing.  Wages are frozen. 
The cost of living is skyrocketing.

Frankly, the future looks scary.

Now's the time to have a back-up.  Another source of
income to tide you over if the economy suddenly lets
you down.

To upgrade to Member NOW, go to:

Luckily, you've discovered VemmaBuilder.  Have you
had a chance to browse the VemmaBuilder website yet? 
It's an eye-opener.  Let me tell you briefly what
you'll find there. 




Daftar gratis hanya mengisi formulir ,sign up dan anda akan dapat 3 website 

,nah tunggu apa lagi ?.
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Negara                                      : Pilih salah satu
Saya ingin berpenghasilan          :  Pilih salah satu                             :

Kurang jelas  hubungi saya : e-mail atau
                                             : HP.0811735420


Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

HOME Based business


Nama saya Bunazimjimmy
Dua minggu yang lalu, anda menunjukkan minat untuk segera
Bekerja Dari Rumah.

Alasan dan fakta menunjukkan bahwa kita perlu dengan segera
mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan.
Kenaikan BBM yang akhirnya mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan
dan sosial di Indonesia.

Booming ! Trend
Bekerja Dari Rumah

Peningkatan 91% dalam 20 tahun terakhir dengan melibatkan 53
juta orang di seluruh dunia. Bisnis Bekerja dari rumah menjadi
trend yang sangat diminati, karena biaya operasional yang
rendah, mengurangi pajak, gaji karyawan dan lain-lain NAMUN
memberikan penghasilan yang luar biasa. Nilai Industry Global
saat ini sudah mencapai 100 milyar USD. Luar biasa, kan?

Walaupun pertumbuhannya sedemikian cepat, namun ini semua baru
saja dimulai. Momentumnya akan terus berkembang dan peluangnya
masih terbuka lebar untuk berada dalam tren bisnis ini.

The Wellness Boom = Trend Bisnis Kedua

Mengapa semua orang selalu membicarakan Peluang Bisnis Kebugaran?

The Wellness Industry / Industri Kebugaran adalah industri baru
yang menjanjikan yang saat ini bahkan telah mencapai sales lebih
dari $500 Milyar di Amerika.

Di ASIA, mengikuti trend yang sama dan bahkan telah melewati
batas $500 Milyar ($300 Milyar pertumbuhan dalam 5 tahun
terakhir yang menakjubkan). Dalam beberapa tahun kedepan,
Wellness Industry akan melebihi Industri kendaraan bermotor yang
bernilai $1 trilyun dan juga industry Computer PC yang juga
bernilai $1 trilyun.

Mengapa Industri Ini Berkembang Sangat Pesat ?

Karena pola makan & gaya hidup serba 'cepat' membuat masyarakat
saat ini dalam kondisi kurang sehat, kelebihan berat badan dan
kekurangan nutrisi. Mereka ingin tetap bugar tanpa obat-obatan
dokter. Alasan-alasan inilah yang menciptakan suatu Revolusi
Kebugaran (The Wellness Revolution), sebuah industri yang
peluang bisnis ‘RAKSASA’ ke setiap pelosok rumah di
seluruh dunia.

Jutaan Milyuner baru akan lahir, karena 2 Industri Raksasa ini,
Work From Home Industry dan Wellness Industry.

Kami bekerja sama dengan sebuah perusahaan dunia beromset lebih
dari 3,5 milyar USD, terdaftar di NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
dan telah menciptakan tren dalam dua industri ini sejak 1980.
Saat ini perusahaan berkembang di lebih dari 65 negara. Jutaan
orang telah menikmati hidup berkelimpahan dan tubuh yang bugar
dengan didukung oleh suatu sistem pelatihan yang profesional.

Sistem yang kami maksud, sekarang sudah dalam jangkauan Anda,
namun Anda perlu mengambil suatu langkah dimana ini menunjukkan
keseriusan Anda. Dalam halaman berikutnya,
Anda akan menemukan
kisah beberapa orang yang mengikuti sistem ini, dan akhirnya
meninggalkan ‘gaji bulanan’ mereka dan mulai menikmati
keuntungan-keuntungan yang ditawarkan oleh industri Bekerja Dari
Rumah dan Revolusi Kebugaran!



Kamis, 03 Februari 2011


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Hai.............. semua

Mari berbisnis  dan sehat bersama  dengan kerja  paruh waktu dari mana saja , dengan browsing internet  dengan bergabung di
caranya mudah dan daftar gratis penjelasan lebih lanjut
hubungi :e-mail, .

atau HP.0811735420.


Salam Sejahtera

Dengan harapan kita semua berada dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat dan selalau dalam lindungan yang maha kuasa.
Saya ingin berbagi info dan peluang bersama anda. Sadarkah kita semua bahwa dunia sekarang adalah dunia tehnology internet.Pengguna internet dari hari ke hari selalu meningkat.
Oleh sebab itu bermacam - macam business dapat dilakukan dengan mudah melalui internet ini .

Business yang ingin saya perkenalkan adalah business yang paling hot saat ini.Business ini dapat merubah gaya hidup anda sekeluarga sesuai yang  anda recanakan dan anda kehendaki.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut cobalah click :

Blogger Buzz: Show off your Followers

Blogger Buzz: Show off your Followers

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Part time online business.

What an economy! All over the world, consumers have fallen behind on car, credit card, and home mortgage payments. Debt is at the highest levels in 15 years. Working people everywhere are hurting. Food and energy prices are skyrocketing. Wages are frozen. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Frankly, the future looks scary. Now's the time to have a back-up. Another source of income to tide you over if the economy suddenly lets you down. To upgrade to Member NOW, go to: Luckily, you've discovered VemmaBuilder. Have you had a chance to browse the VemmaBuilder website yet? It's an eye-opener. Let me tell you briefly what you'll find there. First, you'll learn what a state-of-the-art business- building system VemmaBuilder is. You can't buy the kind of expertise our Web wizards have put at your fingertips. This system literally does 80% of the work for you. Did you know that you already have your own website? To see how professional it is, go to Just drive traffic to your dynamite site, we'll teach you how, and VemmaBuilder will do the rest. Your prospects will automatically receive proven follow-up emails that have successfully sold to thousands of Pre-Enrollees over the past three years. You can do your own follow-up, too, if you want, using VemmaBuilder's awesome Back Office. You couldn't have a better product to promote, either. The Vemma Nutrition Program has been endorsed nationally by the best-selling authors of books on nutrition, professional sports teams, and star athletes. If a business is only as good as its product, then VemmaBuilder is right at the very top. VemmaBuilder is the Internet champion when it comes to helping thousands of people like you profit from the Internet and Wellness revolutions. Take charge of your own financial future for a change. Don't be a victim of the big banks, Wall Street, and real estate vultures. Become a VemmaBuilder home-based entrepreneur today. To upgrade to Member NOW, go to: Or to learn more go to Be sure to click on the link for members and Pre- Enrollees, and login by putting in your ID# and password. Your Login ID is - 884689905 What an economy! All over the world, consumers have fallen behind on car, credit card, and home mortgage payments. Debt is at the highest levels in 15 years. Working people everywhere are hurting. Food and energy prices are skyrocketing. Wages are frozen. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Frankly, the future looks scary. Now's the time to have a back-up. Another source of income to tide you over if the economy suddenly lets you down. To upgrade to Member NOW, go to: Luckily, you've discovered VemmaBuilder. Have you had a chance to browse the VemmaBuilder website yet? It's an eye-opener. Let me tell you briefly what you'll find there. First, you'll learn what a state-of-the-art business- building system VemmaBuilder is. You can't buy the kind of expertise our Web wizards have put at your fingertips. This system literally does 80% of the work for you. Did you know that you already have your own website? To see how professional it is, go to Just drive traffic to your dynamite site, we'll teach you how, and VemmaBuilder will do the rest. Your prospects will automatically receive proven follow-up emails that have successfully sold to thousands of Pre-Enrollees over the past three years. You can do your own follow-up, too, if you want, using VemmaBuilder's awesome Back Office. You couldn't have a better product to promote, either. The Vemma Nutrition Program has been endorsed nationally by the best-selling authors of books on nutrition, professional sports teams, and star athletes. If a business is only as good as its product, then VemmaBuilder is right at the very top. VemmaBuilder is the Internet champion when it comes to helping thousands of people like you profit from the Internet and Wellness revolutions. Take charge of your own financial future for a change. Don't be a victim of the big banks, Wall Street, and real estate vultures. Become a VemmaBuilder home-based entrepreneur today. To upgrade to Member NOW, go to: Or to learn more go to Be sure to click on the link for members and Pre- Enrollees, and login by putting in your ID# and password. Your Login ID is - 884689905
Hi........every body
reason is simple. It's because
you're interested in finding out how to
make money from home.

Once you completed the form, you became part of our
SuccessLine. But in these uncertain economic times,
you're not the only one looking for another way to
make money. Lots of other people also filled out the

Anyone who filled out the form after you did were
placed below you in the same SuccessLine you're in.
And every time someone fills out the form, you get an
email telling you about this terrific news.

To see all these people who are joining business
go to Be sure to click
on the link for members and Pre-Enrollees, and login
by putting in your ID# and password.

After you've logged in, click on "Back Office" and
"Genealogy". Here you will recognize the names of all
the people who have taken the free tour after you.

Since VemmaBuilder launched three years ago, thousands
of new business leaders have joined our money-making
system. The numbers are staggering. This SYSTEM has
made success an even playing field for ANYONE.

We are here to help YOU become as successful as YOU
want to be.

To upgrade your status to MEMBER, click the dark blue
link on your VemmaBuilder website that says, "Get
Started". By upgrading you not only lock in your
position, but you also will get a percentage of the
orders of the people below you who upgrade to member.*

Once you've upgraded, call us immediately at
0811735420 so we can talk about your new business

Watch your business grow by leaps and bounds!!! But
don't watch too long, because to get the maximum
benefit from those being placed in your SuccessLine,
you need to upgrade to a MEMBER ASAP!!!

To upgrade to Member NOW, go to:


* To learn how simple it is to qualify for ongoing
Vemma income, be sure to go to the "Compensation" link
after you log onto your VemmaBuilder system.

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VemmaBuilder, 19360 Rinaldi St., #305, Northridge, CA
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